Latest market activity, trading guides and more.
Trading Guides
Market activity
Have you ever wondered how ‘commission free’ brokers make money, and not just some, but a lot?
November 21, 2023
If you’re happy with mediocre, then go with vanilla, but if you want more from your investments, read on.
Social trading is a form of investing that allows investors to observe, the trading behaviour of their peers.
Recently we have been looking at investment fees and questioning what people really know about them.
The price of the FTSE is measured by adding up the total market capitalisation.
In this article, we would like to break it all down and have a look at exactly what we’re all paying for.
The Sharpe ratio is commonly used to gauge the performance of an investment by adjusting for its risk.
We thought that perhaps everyone would enjoy it if we took some time out to explain some strategies
Market Activity
Terms and their definitions